Monday, July 12, 2010

Another Commando Hottie


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About Me

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Hi!! Thank you so much for taking a minute of your time to click over here to my blogger profile page. My name is David, and I am the founder, creator, and webmaster of the #1 online hat shop for men which offers hand knit and crocheted hats and beanies. I of course am talking about The Hat Pit. I am seriously addicted to twitter and I am a serious cellphone and gadget geek. I love learning about new technologies. I love movies, and music, and getting outdoors. I love art and shopping. I like playing video games. I am also the maker of all the cool hats and beanies you find at The Hat Pit.
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About This Blog

Dude Off The Chain is my anything and everything goes personal blog. This blog is maintained and written by a gay man and contains some content intended for gay adult men only. Content includes Android news, day to day rants, photos from my phone, dirty pictures I find online, and various other things I feel like posting about. I will also be promoting my hat shop from time to time in my blog posts. This blog went live on Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 and is currently borrowing the Coozie Template.

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